Website Paying $100 Per Hour For Reading Amazon KDP Books -Make Money Online 2022 - WFH Side Hustles By Abdul Raheem Tech

 Website Paying $100 Per Hour For Reading Amazon KDP Books -Make Money Online 2022

Have you ever been interested in making money with amazon kdp however you don't want to write books and you don't want to create low content books and you want a steady pay when i found out that people were making 50 to 400 per hour simply by reading amazon kdp books i knew i had to jump on it and share this information with you so if this is something that interests you make sure that you stick around into the end of this video before we get into today's video let me introduce you to our sponsor so there's this new app called hierect and they help you find remote jobs that will be tailored to your own experiences and what you're looking for the top three reasons why i love this app and why you need to sign up with it today is number one transparency every company within this app is verified and not only that but they must list their salary or their hourly rate so you'll know exactly how much you can expect to get paid before applying to the job secondly they are super quick most hiring decisions are made within 24 hours so there's no long wait for you to hear back from the hiring managers or the ceos and lastly this app is super super convenient you don't have to be scrambling through your emails trying to figure out if someone responded to you or not all correspondence is handled directly within the app so you can even chat directly with the ceos or hiring managers of that company and you will also be notified when they respond if you're in need for some more remote or work from home jobs then you can head over to my description box where you will find the link to download the hirect app all right now let's get back into the video what's up money makers welcome welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is diamond chanel and we talk about all things money now i probably say this about every video but i am really excited to show you this website that is paying people 50 to dollars per finished hour for simply reading amazon kdp books so i will be breaking it all down for you what the website name is how to get paid how to sign up and all the details that you need to know but first i need you all to please like this video and if you're not subscribed go ahead and subscribe to this youtube channel so we can expand our money making community if you're not new here then you know that we don't do long intros so let's just head over to my computer the name of this website is called acx and they work with different companies like audible amazon and itunes to turn ebooks into audiobooks which is a really popular thing especially on amazon kdp now where you come in is you become a voice actor or basically just a narrator all you have to do is find a book that is going to fit your tone that's going to fit your voice and then you'll have to record it in samples and send it to the author but we'll get into all of that in a moment now if you don't have the skills they will train you and teach you how to be a voice actor how to be a good narrator through the acx university and you can check that out on the website all links in the description you will have to audition for the books that you are interested in and i'm going to go into all of that in a moment so just stick with me so not only are you going to have to create a rough draft but you'll have to send the rough draft in and then do a fully finished version as well and this is just to make sure that your tone is fitting what the author is looking for now you can do this as a pro you can do this as a beginner and they will train you through different videos and through their acx university and you also have an opportunity to earn some affiliate marketing money with them as well now let's go over how you find the book so these are the titles that are currently accepting auditions and as you can see it has over 1700 different books ready to be narrated so you can go through these different titles and you can use the category side in order to find the right book for you and you can narrow it down by choosing the different genders and generals that you are interested in doing so these are just some of the examples of the titles but as you can see it has over 145 pages so like i said there are a lot of openings even right now so let's go through finding the right book together i'm going to be looking for authors who are looking for me so we want to narrow down this search so i'm going to choose the gender that the author is looking for a female narrator i'm also going to change the age since my voice does sound young i'm going to look specifically for authors who are looking for young females and you can do that by simply clicking on the profile filter and you can change that up there so if we just take this one book as an example we can see that the estimated link for the amount of time that the author believes is going to take you to read this book is 7.7 hours no you do not have to do this all at once you can of course start and stop start and stop and we'll talk about those requirements later but you also want to scroll down and make sure that you exactly match even the accent that they're looking for so since they're looking for an american accent a young female i would be a good narrator for this book but i would still have to do an audition now you do have the choice of course to choose the books that you want so i do suggest that if there is a link like this to the amazon book that you check it out you read the reviews because you don't want to read something that maybe doesn't fit what you represent now you can also do books that are going to be under 3 hours in case you do not want to do a large project like that so you can find books like this one that is only saying that it takes about .7 hours to read so this can be quick and easy money or you can try this one that is only going to take you 2.7 hours to read but of course the less hours that you work the less you're going to get paid but this author is offering 50 to a hundred dollars per finished hour which means you get paid from the time that you press start to your recording to the time that you click stop so anything that you do extra outside of that such as pre-reading the book before you narrate it is not counted towards your pay now these were just some quick cash examples however there are some big bucks to be made on this website and i'm about to show you an example of that of an author paying up to 400 dollars per hour pause i'mma let y'all finish but uh if you're liking this information i need you to go into the comment section below and leave me your favorite emoji leave me a smiley face a thumbs up or a heart and this just lets me know that you're still here and that you're enjoying this information and also let me know if this is something that you would try let's go over some of the higher paying books these are going to be the books that are longer or thicker so this book takes 10.8 hours to complete from start to finish and that's the hours that you're going to get paid and this author is going to pay you from 200 to 400. per finished hour so you have the potential of earning 2 000 to 4 000 with this one book okay and it only take you 10.8 hours to read it but again this is only included for the time that you click start to finish so if you're reading the book beforehand that is not calculated in your hours and i just want to make that clear so now let's break down the pay structure which i think is actually pretty cool they give you three different options they give you the royalty plus the paid per hours or just royalty pay and the author gets to choose how they want to pay you however you're going to see it here always so that you're not blindsided by that at all so you can choose the royalty share plus and this means that you will get a royalty off of every sale that they make from the audiobook and the reason why this is is because they're using your voice in order to make money so depending on how well the book sells this can be a really really great pay structure for you however let me tell you what you have to look for to make the decision of whether you want to choose the royalty share plus or the paid per hour now the plus does include an hourly pay however it might not be the 200 to 400 per hour but it will be some sort of negotiated hourly pay plus royalties off the each book they sell however the problem is with books like this that have not been listed yet you have no idea how this book is going to sell so you want to if you're going to choose the royalty or royalty plus find books that are already listed and already have in high number of sales this way it'll be better for you in the end so this one here as you can see this one says that it's going to be 18.1 hours to read so instead of getting paid per hour they're only offering either a royalty share or royalty plus which is going to be either taking 100 of royalty money or doing royalty plus an hourly wage but see books like this they already have sales so at least you can see that this book is doing well and that it will produce more sales especially for the audio version of the book so again this is just a pay structure that you can choose however i would highly recommend that you make sure that the book is has already been selling well before you choose a pay structure that is based off of royalties now in conclusion let's just bring it all together and go over the eight steps that you need to take before getting paid step one is creating a profile this is just a requirement for you to get paid step two is going to be uploading different samples of your narrating voice so you want to upload as many samples as you can if you can make your voice higher lower if you can do different accents if you can sound like a child and then you can sound like an adult all of these different samples and the versatility in your voice is going to help you get paid quicker step number three is going to be choosing how you want to get paid which we've already talked about the three different ways for you to get paid step number four is going to be auditioning so once you've found a book that fits you fits your style and that you're interested in then you can go ahead and send in your samples and audition for that book step five you will accept the offer and then you start recording now they do recommend that you stop every 15 minutes re-listen to it just to make sure that there's no background noise and that you're not going through the entire book and realize that you messed up okay so now step number seven is to actually work with other professionals or other people who are voice actors so this means that you can pay different independent contractors and they can do the voice acting for you and you can actually be getting paid and you give them a cut of what you got paid so then you finish the recording and once you finish it you send it in and they have an automated system just to pick up any extra noise that isn't acceptable and from there then you get paid now you can check out the different requirements and what they consider to be acceptable so that you can get started i will have a link to this website in my description below i'm not getting paid off of it but it's just easier so that you guys can go directly there so that's all that i have for you today if you're interested in making money don't forget to subscribe and also check out these two videos here because they're going to give you some more tips all right i'll see you all in the next article

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